This time everything should complete without any problems. To resolve this issue, temporarily disable Windows Defender, then stop the Steam client process in Task Manager, restart Steam as an administrator, and then try installing the game again. Temporarily disable the Windows Defender firewall When finished, save your changes and exit the client.When prompted, click OK to confirm your action.Select the Clear Download Cache option.In the drop-down window, click Settings.In the client, click on Steam in the upper left corner of the screen.
Steam download preallocating how to#
How to resolve the “Stuck on Allocating Disk Space” issue? If Steam is blocked by the firewall, it is difficult to expect that a connection can be made. Blocked by Firewall: Many users report that they need to add Steam as an exception in the Windows Defender firewall to get rid of the “Space Allocated” message.Some servers may be full or under maintenance. The download server is full or down: You can select the server from which you want to download Steam games.Overclocking: If you are overclocking your computer, be sure to stop overclocking during the installation process.Download cache: Steam has a download cache that can get stuck and block the installation of the game.What causes “Stuck on Allocating Disk Space”? Why does it take so long to allocate memory space?.How do I delete the disk space allocated in Steam?.How do I get Steam to unstuck on memory allocation?.Temporarily disable the Windows Defender firewall.How to resolve the “Stuck on Allocating Disk Space” issue?.